Call for contributions

Interested participants are asked to submit an abstract, short position paper, work-in-progress, pictorial of a half to one page length or a 30 s to 1 min essay or demo video. We invite participants from any background, be it more creative or technical. No previous knowledge of 1st and 2nd person methodologies is required to take part in the workshop, only your personal interest is sufficient and the desire to share your experience in the development and/or use of ML and AI techniques. We are interested in contributions that reflect on the experience of designing, building, listening or playing with machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) in the context of NIME. The submitted pieces can be more elaborate in terms of insights gained through the practice of engaging with ML and AI, or they might document or recount a specific encounter with such technologies. In this direction, contributions that relate to specific projects are preferred, although more general pieces are also welcome. Participants are welcome to bring their instruments, interfaces and tools along to the workshop, but we also encourage reflections that have emerged in the context of unfinished or “failed” projects, as we are focusing on the process of making or interacting with rather than the artefacts themselves.


We invite researchers, designers, practitioners and community members to submit materials that reflect their interest in the aforementioned topics on the following form:

[Submission closed]

You can attach your contribution as a pdf at the end of the form.

Submission deadline: Friday 14th June AoE 🚨Extended: Friday 26th July AoE🚨

💻Also accepting remote contributions as the workshop will happen in a hybrid format💻

If you have any questions, you can contact the organisers at: